Japan Diaries — Entry-1

1 min readMay 11, 2021

My Japan chapter actually started 8years back in 2013. 5th Jan 2013 was the day, I touch the Japan soil first time and my life has been turned around since then.

I was young, in my early twenties, coming from small town in India. That was the huge cultural shock to me. I was taken aback and it took my almost 4 months to accept it and then I started loving it.

I found some great friends, life and emotions which I have never experienced before. I am not gonna brag about Japan and its culture, you guys have been reading it all time and know it very well (fair assumption, right ?)…….

I wanna tell how I saw Japan and how I made connections and how I lived here and why I want to live here.

I know you have been wondering, why I started writing after 8 long years…. You will understand it, just be with me.

Hang on for Entry-2.

